Match List $I$ with List $II$.

List $I$ (Interacting species) List $II$ (Name of interaction)
$A$. A Leopard and a Lion in a forest/grassland $I$. Competition
$B$. A Cuckoo laying egg in a Crow's nest $II$. Brood parasitism
$C$. Fungi and root of a higher plant in Mycorrhizae $III$. Mutualism
$D$. A cattle egret and a Cattle in a field $IV$. Commensalism

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

  • [NEET 2023]
  • A

    A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV

  • B

    A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV

  • C

    A-I, B-II, C-IV, D-III

  • D

    A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II

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$(i)$ Which one of the figures shows mutualism ?

$(ii)$ What kind of association is shown in $D$ ?

$(iii)$ Name the organisms and the association in $C$.

$(iv)$ What role is the insect performing in $B$ ?

Match the columns :

Column - $I$ Column - $II$
$(a)$ Cacti  $(i)$ Leguminous plants
$(b)$ Shade loving plants  $(ii)$ Commensalism
$(c)$ Halophytes $(iii)$ Pioneer community
$(d)$ Crustose lichen  $(iv)$ Plants growing in saline environment Xerophyte

$(e)$ Interspecific


 $(v)$ Xerophytes
$(f)$ Rhizobium  $(vi)$ Sciophytes


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