Match the following
Column - $I$ | Column - $II$ |
$(i)$ Tap root | $(a)$ Sweet potato |
$(ii)$ Adventitious root | $(b)$ Turnip |
$(iii)$ Stem | $(c)$ Wheat |
$(iv)$ Fibrous root | $(d)$ Potato |
$(i) - a ,( ii )- b ,( iii )- c ,( iv )- d$
$(i) - b ,( ii )- c ,( iii )- a ,( iv )- d$
$(i) - b ,( ii )- a ,( iii )- d ,( iv )- c$
$(i) - d ,( ii )- c ,( iii )- b ,( iv )- a$
Stems modified into flat green organs performing the functions of leaves are known as
Potato and sweet potato