Most common pesticides used in the crops are
$BHC$, aldrin, malathion, pyrethrin
Aldrin, malathion, lead arsinate, sodium fluoride
Aldrin, malathion, sodium arsinate, lead arsi_ate
Cryolite, aldrin, pyrethrin
A natural insecticide obtained from plants is
Cellulose fibre is obtained from Gossypium
Consider the following four statements $(A - D)$ related to organic farming and select the correct option stating which ones are true $(T)$ and which ones are false $(F)$. The statements :
$(A)$ Produces food crops rich in lipids, vitamins and iron
$(B)$ Uses biofertilisers which increases soil fertility
$(C)$ There is more use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides
$(D)$ Raising unpolluted crops through the use of bacteria, fungi and cyanobacteria
Which one of the following pesticides is banned now-a-days?
Sporeine kills insects by inhibiting ion transport in the