Name any two industrially important enzymes.

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- Lipase-used in detergent formulation to remove oily stain from the laundry.

Pectinases and proteases-used as clarifying agent in commercial fruit and vegetable juices.

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  • [AIPMT 2004]

Choose correct pair.

Column $- I$ Column $- II$
$(I)$ Aspergillus niger $(p)$ Lactic acid
$(II)$ Acetobacter aceti $(q)$ Acetic acid
$(III)$ Lactobacillus $(r)$ Citric acid
$(IV)$ Clostridium butylicuml $(s)$ Butyric acid

$I$    $II$    $III$    $IV$

Consider the following statements

$I.$ Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by some microorganisms which can kill or retard the growth of other disease-causing microorganisms

$II.$ Penicillin is the first antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming $(1928),$ while working on bacterium Staphylococcusaureus

$III.$ The function of penicillin as an antibiotic was established by Ernst chain and Howard Florey

Which of the statement given above are correct?