One gene one enzyme'' theory was proposed by
G.W. Beadle and E.L. Tatum
O.T. Avery and M. McCarthy
J.H. Tijo and A. Levan
C.E. Ford and J.H. Tijo
The enzyme that breaks $H_2$ bonds in $DNA$ is
During $DNA$ replication, Okazaki fragments areused to elongate
The contribution of cytoplasmic $DNA$ in cells to total $DNA$ is
During $DNA$ replication, the strands separate by
$A$: Kornberg enzyme is associated with the removal of primers and thyminedimer.
$R$: $DNA$ polymersase I does exonuclease activity in $5^{\prime} \rightarrow 3^{\prime}$ and $3^{\prime} \rightarrow 5^{\prime}$ directions.