Plants, bacteria, fungi and animals whose genes have been altered by manipulation are called
Genetically modified organisms
Hybrid organisms
Pest resistant organisms
Insect resistant organisms
Consider the following statements about $B t$
$I.$ The bacteria Bacillusthuringiensis $(B t)$ are used to control butterfly catterpillers
$II.$ Fresh spores of $B t$ are mixed with water and sprayed on seeds such as brassicas and fruit trees
$III.$ Insect larvae, after eating these are killed by the toxin released in their gut
$IV.$ Bt toxin genes have been introduced into plants to provide resistance to pests
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Genetic engineering is the
While creating genetically modified organisms, genetic barriers are not respected. How can this be dangerous in the long run ?
Which of the following is false for $BT $ transgenic plant
Transposons can be used during which one of the following?