Pollens outer layer is called ...$A$... This is made up of ...$B$.... This is absent on the ...$C$.... Fill in the blanks $A, B$ and $C$
$A-Intine, \;B-organic compound, \;C-micropyle$
$A-exine, \;B-sporopollenin, \;C-germ pore$
$A-exine, \;B-intine, \;C-micropyle$
$A-micropyle, \;B-intine, \;C-exine$
The pollen grain is
The anther wall consists of four wall layers where
$A$ : Restitutional nucleus can be observed in endothecium cells.
$R$ : Endothecium cells are usually triploid.
The tapetal nuclei in anthers of many angiosperm flowers are
Microspore tetrads forms due to meiotic division occurs in......