Pollinator mutualism are special interactions involving ...$A$..., which receive food or a place to lay eggs and ...$B$..., which receive polle from other of their kind.
Choose of correct option for $A$ and $B$
$A-$insects; $B-$plants
$A-$plants; $B-$insects
$A-$prey; $B-$plants
$A-$predators; $B-$plants
Which one of the following is categorised as aparasite in true sense?
In following which are examples of commensalism ?
$(1)$ Monarch butterfly and bird
$(2)$ Orchid and mango
$(3)$ Fish and flamingo
$(4)$ Calotropis and cattle
$(5)$ Cattle egret and grazing cattle
A female fig wasp enters the syconium of a fig, pollinates the flowers and lays eggs in the ovaries of some of the flowers. The young larvae grow up, eat (and kill) some, but not all of the seeds and complete their life cycle.
The fig is completely dependent on fig wasps to pollinate its flowers and the fig wasp requires figs to complete its life cycle
The interaction between figs and fig wasps has aspects of
$I.$ mutualism
$II.$ host-parasite interaction
$III.$ competition
$IV.$ ammensalism
$V.$ protocooperation
Select the correct option
If the strong partner is benefitted and the weak partner is damaged, it is known as
Gause's law is true only when