Profit earned by an organization is distributed among officers and clerks in the ratio of $5: 3 .$ If the number of officers is $45$ and the number of clerks is $80$ and the amount received by each officer is $Rs.\,25,000,$ what was the total amount of profit earned? (in $Rs.$.......$lakhs$)
Mohit lost $18 \%$ by selling a bicycle for $Rs.\, 1230$. What percent shall he gain or loss by selling it for $Rs.\, 1600 ?$
Find $CP$ when $SP = Rs.\, 51 .70, \operatorname{loss}=12 \% ?$
A men sells two houses at the rate of $Rs.\,1.995$ Lakhs each. On one house he gains $20 \%$ and on the other he loses $20 \% .$ His gain or loss per cent in the whole transaction is
If cost price of $20$ tables is equal to selling price of $25$ tables, find the loss$\%$
Due to a $20 \%$ rise in price of sugar, a bachelor is able to buy $1.5\, kg$ less for $Rs.\, 135.$ What is the increased price of sugar per $kg$ in $Rs.$ ?