Select the correct option regarding genetic code of Glycine

  • [AIIMS 2019]
  • A

    $GUU , GUC , GUA$

  • B

    $GAU , GAC , GAA$

  • C

    $GGU , GGA , GGC$

  • D

    $GGU , GGA , GCU$

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Match the columns.

Column - $I$ Column - $II$
$(a)$ $U U U$ $(1)$ Serine
$(b)$ $G G G$ $(2)$ Methionine
$(c)$ $(c)$ $U C U$ $(3)$ Phenylalanine
$(d)$ $C C C$ $(4)$ Glycine
$(e)$ $A U G$ $(5)$ Proline


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