Selling price of a chair is $Rs.$ $1386 .$ If loss percent is $23 \%$ then what is the cost price (in $Rs.$) of chair?
A man bought apples at the rate of 6 for $Rs.\,20$ and sold them at $4$ for $Rs.\, 16.$ His estimated profit $\%$ is
Two discounts of $40 \%$ and $20 \%$ equal to a single discount of $\%$?
Kamya purchased an item for $Rs.\, 46,000$ and sold it at aloss of $12$ percent. With that amount she purchased another item which he sold at a gain of $12 \% .$ What was her overall gain/loss?
A shopkeeper professes to sell his goods at cost price but uses a weight of $800\, g$ instead of kilogram weight. Thus, he makes a profit of
The cost price of $20$ articles is the same as the selling price of $x$ articles. If the profit is $25 \%$, then the value of $x$ is in $Rs.$