Study the flow chart. Name the hormones labelled as $A, B, C, D$ at each stage.
$A \quad B\quad C \quad D$
$Gn-RH$$\quad$ $ICSH$ $\quad$Androgen$\quad$ $FSH$
$Gn-RH$$\quad$ $LH$$\quad$ $FSH$ $\quad$Androgens
Gonadotropins$\quad $ $LH$ $\quad $$FSH$ $\quad $Testosterone
$Gn-RH$ $\quad $$FSH$$\quad $ $LH$ $\quad $Androgens
How many eggs do you think were released by the ovary of a female dog which gave birth to $6$ puppies?
Atretic follicles are found in the
What helps in the penetration of egg by the sperm
The distal narrow end of the uterus is called......
$A$ : Lack of menstruation may be indicative of pregnancy.
$R$ : Menstruation only occurs if the released ovum is fertilised.