Tendrils of grapevines are homologous to the tendril of pumpkins but are analogous to that of pea. Justify the above statement.
$\rightarrow$ Homologous Organs : In homologous organs origin is same. They are different in functions means axillary bud is modified into tendril in grape and watermelon means homologous, while analogous organs origins are different but functions are alike. Leaf is modified into tendril in peas and functions for climbing in the plant.
$\rightarrow$ Hence in peas the origin of tendril is different but its function is same as stem tendril of grape.
$\rightarrow$ Stem tendrils : In Passion Flower, Cucurbit, Bitter Gourd, Gourd, Cucumber stem tendrils develop as axillary buds are slender and spirally coiled and help plants to climb. Such plants are called tendullar plants.
Petiole is winged in
Leaves of dicotyledonous plants possess _________ venation, while _________ venation is the characteristic of most monocotyledons
Swollen leaf base found in leguminous plants is called
Which of the following features would distinguish a monocot from a dicot plant
How do the various leaf modifications help plants?