The $P-V$ diagram of $2\,g$ of helium gas for a certain process $A \to B$ is shown in the figure. What is the heat given to the gas during the process $A \to B$
Six moles of an ideal gas performs a cycle shown in figure. If the temperatures are $T_A = 600\, K,$ $T_B = 800\,K,$ $T_C = 2200\,K$ and $T_D = 1200\,K,$ then the work done per cycle is approximately ...... $kJ$
A monoatomic ideal gas, initially at temperature $T_1$, is enclosed in a cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston. The gas is allowed to expand adiabatically to a temperature $T_2$ by releasing the piston suddenly. If $L_1$ and $L_2$ are the lengths of the gas column before and after expansion respectively, then $T_1/T_2$ is given by
An ideal gas expands isothermally from a volume $V_1$ to $V_2$ and then compressed to original volume $V_1$ adiabatically. Initial pressure is $P_1$ and final pressure is $P_3$. The total work done is $W$. Then
A cyclic process $ABCD$ is shown in the given $P-V$ diagram. In the following answer, the one that represents the same process as in $P-T$ diagram is
An ieal heat engine operates on Carnot cycle between $227\,^oC$ and $127\,^oC$. It absorbs $6 \times 10^4\, cal$ at the higher temperature. The amount of heat converted into work equals to