The bark of tree comprises
All the tissues outside the cork cambium
All the tissues outside the vascular cambium
Only the cork
The cork and secondary cortex
$I.$ Protection of internal tissues
$II.$ Protection of leaves from microbes
$III.$ Gaseous exchange
$IV.$ Reduction in the rate of transpiration through epidermal cells due to trichomes
Which of the function of epidermis is/are relevant from the above given statements?
The youngest layer of secondary xylem in the wood of dicot plant is located
The functional xylem of dicot tree is
Secondary xylem and phloem in dicot stem are produced by
$I.$ It is resistant to microorganisms
$II.$ It comprises dead elements
$III.$ It comprises highly lignified cell wall
$IV.$ It is the peripheral part
$V.$ It is dark and tough
Which of the above property doesn't belongs to heart wood?