The biofertilizer present in the roots of legumes is
All of the above
Match the columns :
Column - $I$ | Column - $II$ |
$(a)$ Mycrrohiza | $(1)$ Rhizobium |
$(b)$ Bt | $(2)$ Nucleopolyhydro virus |
$(c)$ Root nodules | $(3)$ Phosphorus |
$(d)$ Baculo virus | $(4)$ Bt -Cotton |
If wheat field is inoculated with Rhizobium
Which organisms are used to increase thesoil fertility ?
An example of endomycorrhiza is
Which of the following is used as biofertiliser?
$I.$ Cyanobacteria
$II.$ Yeast
$III.$ Symbiotic bacteria
$IV.$ Free living bacteria
Choose the correct option