The bond order in $O_2^ + $ is
Give electron configuration, bond order magnetic property and energy diagram for Lithium $\left( {{\rm{L}}{{\rm{i}}_2}} \right)$ molecule.
Consider the ions/molecule
$O _{2}^{+}, O _{2}, O _{2}^{-}, O _{2}^{2-}$
For increasing bond order the correct option is ..... .
વિધાન : Ozone is powerful oxidising agent in comparison to $O_2$.
કારણ : Ozone is diamagnetic but $O_2$ is paramagnetic.
What is the number of unpaired electron(s) in the highest occupied molecular orbital of the following species : $N _2: N _2^{+} ; O _2 ; O _2^{+}$?
Stability of the species $Li_2, Li_2^-$ and $Li_2^+$ increases in the order of :