The cambial ring is generally
More active on the inner side than on the outer
More active on the outer side than on the inner
Equally active towards both sides
Equally inactive towards both sides
What do hardwood and softwood stand for?
The anatomy of springwood shows some peculiar features. Identify the correct set of statements about springwood.
$(a)$ It is also called as the earlywood
$(b)$ In spring season cambium produces xylem elements with narrow vessels
$(c)$ It is lighter in colour
$(d)$ The springwood along with autumnwood shows alternate concentric rings forming annual rings
$(e)$ It has lower density
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
$I.$ It is resistant to microorganisms
$II.$ It comprises dead elements
$III.$ It comprises highly lignified cell wall
$IV.$ It is the peripheral part
$V.$ It is dark and tough
Which of the above property doesn't belongs to heart wood?
Conduction of sap in plants occurs through
Complementary cells are associated with