The dimension of magnetic field in $M, L, T$ and $C$ (coulomb) is given as 

  • [AIEEE 2008]
  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


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Match List $I$ with List $II$ :

List $I$ (Physical Quantity) List $II$ (Dimensional Formula)
$(A)$ Pressure gradient $(I)$ $\left[ M ^0 L ^2 T ^{-2}\right]$
$(B)$ Energy density $(II)$ $\left[ M ^1 L ^{-1} T ^{-2}\right]$
$(C)$ Electric Field $(III)$ $\left[ M ^1 L ^{-2} T ^{-2}\right]$
$(D)$ Latent heat $(IV)$ $\left[ M ^1 L ^1 T ^{-3} A ^{-1}\right]$

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

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