The disadvantage of parthenogenesis is
Establishment of polyploid generation
Elimination of variety in population
Means of reproduction
Does not encourage the appearance of new and advantageous combinations of genes
The extra-embryonic membranes of mammalian embryo are derived from
When centrolecithal egg of the insects divides regularly then what will happen
Cumulus covers
Match the following with correct combination
Column $-I$ | Column $-II$ |
$(a)$ Hyaluronidase | $(i)$ Acrosomal reaction |
$(b)$ Corpus luteum | $(ii)$ Morphogenetic movements |
$(c)$ Gastrulation | $(iii)$ Progesterone |
$(d)$ Capacitation | $(iv)$ Mammary gland |
(e) Colostrum | $(v)$ Sperm activation |
In frog chromosome no. is reduced to half