The events of the menstrual cycle are represented below. In which of the following option the level of $FSH$, $LH$ an progesterone is mentioned correctly
High | High | Low | Low | Low | High |
High | High | High | Low | Low | Low |
Low | Low | Low | High | High | High |
Low | Low | High | High | Low | Low |
If both ovaries are removed from pregnant human female in first trimester of pregnancy then it will lead to
The first sign of the growing foetus may be noticed by listening to the heart sound carefully through the stethoscope. Embryo's heart is formed _________.
Animal $\quad$ Gestation period
The structure which attaches the ovaries with the dorsal wall is known as
In sperm bank the sperms are stored in test tubes for the purpose of artificial insemination
Which of the following is last part of the oviduct, which has narrow lumen and joins with the uterus?