The figure given below illustrates the changes taking place during the human menstruation cycle

Identify hormones $A, B, C, D$ and $E$ from the figures

In the boxes shown in the figure write the name of the hormone (or hormones) controlling the stage in the human menstrual cycle


  • A

    $A-FSH, B-LH, C-LH, D-$$Oestrogen$, $E-$$Progesterone$

  • B

    $A- LH, B- FSH, C-LH, D-$$Oestrogen,$ $E-$$Progesterone$

  • C

    $A-FSH, B-LH, C- FSH, D-$ $Oestrogen$ ,$E-$$Progesterone$

  • D

    $A-FS, B-LH, C-LH, D- Progesterone$, $E-$ $Oestrogen$

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