The first sign of the growing foetus may be noticed by listening to the heart sound carefully through the stethoscope. Embryo's heart is formed _________.
Animal $\quad$ Gestation period
Dog $60$ $\quad$ - $65$ days
Elephant $607$ $\quad$ - $641$ days
Cat $52$ - $65$ days
Cow $330$ - $345$ days
Saheli is a
Function of fertilizin is/are
When the cleavage furrow extends from animal pole to vegetal pole and does not bisects the egg equally into two blastomeres the plane of cleavage is
Fluid filled cavity called $...A...$ is developed in $...B...$ follicle called $...C....$ Here $A, B$ and $\mathrm{C}$ are
Cleavage in bird's egg is