The following graph of relative concentrations of the four hormones present in the blood plasma of a woman during her menstrual cycle. Identify the hormones.
$A\,-\,FSH$, $B\,-$ Progesterone, $C\,-\,LH$, $D-$ Oestrogen
$A\,-\,LH$, $B\,-$ Progesterone, $C\,-\,FSH$, $D-$ Oestrogen
$A\,-\,FSH$, $B\,-$ Oestrogen, $C\,-\,LH$, $D-$ Progesterone
$A\,-\,LH$, $B\,-$ Oestrogen, $C\,-\,FSH$, $D-$ Progesterone
Corpus luteum is developed from
Corpus luteum is the source of secretion of
Which of the following events is not associated with ovulation in human female?
In the human female, menstruation can be deferred by the administration of
Ovulation in mammals is caused by