The interaction between two living organisms of different species which is beneficial to both but is not obligatory because they can live without each other is known as
Mutualism or symbiosis
Monarch butterflies are highly distasteful to predator due to
$A$ : An ecological niche is usually occupied by a single species.
$R$ : More than one species can live in same habitat.
What is brood parasitism ? Explain with the help of an example.
Select the correct match
$( I )$ | $( II )$ | $( III )$ |
$( a )+$ | $( i )-$ | $( P )$ Amensalism |
$( b )-$ | $( i )-$ | $(Q)$ Commensalism |
$( c )-$ | $( i )0$ | $(R)$ Predation |
$( d )+$ | $( i )0$ | $(S)$ Competition |
In commensalism