The particle displacement of a travelling longitudional wave is represented by $\xi  = \xi (x,t)$. The midpoints of a compression zone and an adjacent rarefaction zone are represented by the letter ‘$C’$ and $‘R’$. Which of the following is true?

  • A

    ${\left| {\partial \xi /\partial x} \right|_{C\,}} = {\left| {\partial \xi /\partial x} \right|_R}$

  • B

    Particles of air are stationary mid-way between $‘C’$ and $‘R’$.  

  • C

    $(pressure)_C -(pressure)_R = 2$$|{\partial \xi /\partial x}|_{C\,} $ $\times$ Bulk modulus of air.

  • D

    All of the above

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