The stomatal pore is guarded by two kidney shaped guard cells. Name the epidermal cells surrounding the guard cells. How does a guard cell differ from an epidermal cell ? Use a diagram to illustrate your answer.

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$\Rightarrow$ The epidermal cells surrounded by guard cells of stomata are called subsidiary cells.

$\Rightarrow$ The difference between Guard cells and Epidermal cells.

Guard cells  Epidermal cells 
$(1)$  They are either of bean shaped or kidney shaped. $(1)$  They are of barrel shaped.
$(2)$  They possess chloroplast. $(2)$  They don't have chloroplast.
$(3)$  they are small. $(3)$  they are big.
$(4)$  The cell wall of guard cells is not same and they are fat/thick.  $(4)$  Epidermal cells are same and are thin walled.



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