The transverse displacement in a streched string is given by
$y = 0.06 \sin \, \left( {\frac{{2\pi }}{3}x} \right)\cos \,(120\pi t)$
where $x$ and $y$ are in $m$ and $t$ is in $s$. The length of the string is $1.5\, m$ and its mass is $3.0 \times 10^{-2} \,kg$, then tension in string is ..... $N$
The length of the wire shown in figure between the pulleys is $1.5\, m$ and its mass is $12.0\,g$. The frequency of vibration with which the wire vibrates in three loops forming antinode at the mid point of the wire is $(g = 9.8 \,m/s^2)$
A plane wave of sound traveling in air is incident upon a plane surface of a liquid. The angle of incidence is $60^o.$ The speed of sound in air is $300 \,m /s$ and in the liquid it is $600\, m /s .$ Assume Snell’s law to be valid for sound waves.
The fundamental frequency of a string stretched with a weight of $4 kg$ is $256 Hz$. The weight required to produce its octave is .... $kg \,wt$
The equation of stationary wave along a stretched string is given by $y = 5\sin \frac{{\pi x}}{3}\cos 40\pi t$ where $x$ and $y$ are in centimetre and $t$ in second. The separation between two adjacent nodes is .... $cm$
Explain the reflection of wave at rigid support.