The two strands of a double helix model of $DNA$ are held together by hydrogen bonds between
sugar and phosphate groups.
sugar and nitrogenous bases.
phosphate groups and nitrogenous bases.
nitrogenous bases.
The successive nucleotides of $RNA$ are covalently linked through or antiparallal
Group the following as nitrogenous bases and nucleosides:
Adenine, Cytidine, Thymine, Guanosine, Uracil and Cytosine.
What are the structures called that give an appearance as ‘beadsonstring’ in the chromosomes when viewed under electron microscope?
Nucleosomes are bounded by
The given figure shows the structure of nucleosome with their parts labelled as $A,\, B$ and $C$. Identify $A,\,B$ and $C$