There is a uniform electrostatic field in a region. The potential at various points on a small sphere centred at $P$, in the region, is found to vary between in the limits $589.0\,V$ to $589.8\, V$. What is the potential at a point on the sphere whose radius vector makes an angle of $60^o$ with the direction of the field ?........$V$
Shows that how the electrostatic potential varies with $\mathrm{r}$ for a point charge.
In the following figure two parallel metallic plates are maintained at different potential. If an electron is released midway between the plates, it will move
Two identical metal balls of radius $r$ are at a distance $a (a >> r)$ from each other and are charged, one with potential $V_1$ and other with potential $V_2$. The charges $q_1$ and $q_2$ on these balls in $CGS$ esu are
Two charged conducting spheres of radii $a$ and $b$ are connected to each other by a conducting wire. The ratio of charges of the two spheres respectively is:
Consider the points lying on a straight line joining two fixed opposite charges. Between the charges there is