Two bodies $A$ & $B$ rotate about an axis, such that angle $\theta_A$ (in radians) covered by first body is proportional to square of time, & $\theta_B$ (in radians) covered by second body varies linearly. At $t = 0, \theta \,A = \theta \,B = 0$. If $A$ completes its first revolution in $\sqrt \pi$ sec. & $B$ needs $4\pi \,sec$. to complete half revolution then; angular velocity $\omega_A : \omega_B$ at $t = 5\, sec$. are in the ratio
$4 : 1$
$20 : 1$
$80 : 1$
$20 : 4$
A particle is moving with constant speed $v$ in $x y$ plane as shown in figure. The magnitude of its angular velocity about point $O$ is .........
Three point particles $P, Q, R$ move in circle of radius $‘r’$ with different but constant speeds. They start moving at $t = 0$ from their initial positions as shown in the figure. The angular velocities (in rad/ sec) of $P, Q$ and $R$ are $5\pi , 2\pi$ & $3\pi$ respectively, in the same sense. The time interval after which they are at same angular position.
A stone ties to the end of a string $1\,m$ long is whirled in a horizontal circle with a constant speed. If the stone makes $22$ revolution in $44$ seconds, what is the magnitude and direction of acceleration of the stone
The second's hand of a watch has $6\, cm$ length. The speed of its tip and magnitude of difference in velocities of its at any two perpendicular positions will be respectively
Centripetal acceleration of a cyclist completing $7$ rounds in a minute along a circular track of radius $5 \,m$ with a constant speed, is ......... $m / s ^2$