Two identical short bar magnets, each having magnetic moment $M$ are placed a distance of $2d$ apart with axes perpendicular to each other in a horizontal plane. The magnetic induction at a point midway between them is
$\frac{{{\mu _0}}}{{4\pi }}\,\left( {\sqrt 2 } \right)\frac{M}{{{d^3}}}$
$\frac{{{\mu _0}}}{{4\pi }}\,\left( {\sqrt 3 } \right)\frac{M}{{{d^3}}}$
$\left( {\frac{{2{\mu _0}}}{\pi }} \right)\,\frac{M}{{{d^3}}}$
$\frac{{{\mu _0}}}{{4\pi }}\,\left( {\sqrt 5 } \right)\frac{M}{{{d^3}}}$
Write Gauss’s law for magnetism.
What is the magnetism analog of charge in electricity ?
Verify the Ampere’s law for magnetic field of a point dipole of dipole moment ${\rm{\vec M = M\hat k}}$. Take $\mathrm{C}$ as the closed curve running clockwise along : the $\mathrm{z}$ - axis from $\mathrm{z} = \mathrm{a} \,>\, 0$ to $\mathrm{z = R}$;
Two bar magnets having same geometry with magnetic moments $M$ and $2 M$, are firstly placed in such a way that their similar poles are same side then its time period of oscillation is $T_{1}$. Now the polarity of one of the magnet is reversed then time period of oscillation is $T_{2},$ then
A magnetic needle is kept in a non-uniform magnetic field. It experiences