Two items $A$ and $B$ are sold at a profit of $10 \%$ and $15 \%,$ respectively. If the amount of profit received is the same, then the cost price of $A$ and $B$ may be (in $Rs.$)
$Mr$ A sold a goods, to $Mr$. $B$ at $10 \%$ discounted value of printed rate. The discounted value is $Rs.\, 1242.$ If $15 \%$ profit is earned on purchase rate by selling the goods at printed rate, what is the purchase rate? (in $Rs.$)
A trader had $1200\, kg$ of rice. He sold a part of it at $5 \%$ profit and the rest at $11 \%$ profit, so that he made a total profit of $7 \%$. How much (in $kg$ ) rice did he sell at $5 \%$ profit?
A trader mixes three varieties of groundnuts costing $Rs. \,50, Rs.\, 20$ and $Rs.\, 30$ per $k g$ in the ratio $2: 4: 3$ in terms of weight and sells the mixture at $Rs.\, 33$ per $kg .$ What percentage of profit does he make?
Mahesh purchased $25\, kg$ of rice at $32$ per $kg$ and $15\, kg$ of rice at $Rs\,.36$ per $kg.$ He mixed the two varieties of rice and sold it at $Rs.\, 40.20$ per $kg.$ What is the percent profit earned?
A manufacturer sells an article to a wholesale dealer at a profit of $20 \%$. The wholesale dealer sells it to a retail merchant at a loss of $5 \% .$ Find out the resultant profit or loss.