United sepals are called ...$A$... Free sepals are called ...$B$....
Here, $A$ and $B$ refers to
$A-polysepalous; B-gamosepalous$
$A-gamosepalous; B-polysepalous$
$A-gamopetalous; B-polypetalous$
$A-polypetalouos; B-gamopetalus$
Among flowers of Calotropis, tulip, Sesbania, Asparagus, Colchicum, sweet pea, Petunia, Indigofera, mustard, soybean, tobacco and groundnut, how many plants have corolla with valvate aestivation?
Axile placentation is present in
Which of the following represent zygomorphic symmetry
Ovary is halfinferior in the flowers of
Identify flower parts $A$ to $D$ in the given diagrams correctly