Water is pumped from a depth of $10 $ $m$ and delivered through a pipe of cross section $10^{-2}$ $m^2$. If it is needed to deliver a volume of $10^{-1} $ $m^3$ per second the power required will be ........ $kW$
An object suspended by a wire stretches it by $10 \,mm$. When object is immersed in a liquid the elongation in wire reduces by $\frac{10}{3} \,mm$. The ratio of relative densities of the object and liquid is ............
A ball whose density is $0.4 \times 10^3\,kg/m^3$ falls into water from a height of $9\,cm$ . To what depth does the ball sink ? ....... $cm$
A uniform solid cylinder of density $0.8$ $g/cm^3$ floats in equilibrium in a combination of two non-mixing liquid $A$ and $B$ with its axis vertical. The densities of liquid $A$ and $B$ are $0.7$ $g/cm^3$ and $1.2$ $gm/cm^3$. The height of liquid $A$ is $h_A = 1.2$ $cm$ and the length of the part of cylinder immersed in liquid $B$ is $h_B = 0.8$ $cm$. Then the length part of the cylinder in air is ....... $cm$
A cork is submerged in water by a spring attached to the bottom of a pail. When the pail is kept in a elevator moving with an acceleration downwards, the spring length
A cubical block of side $0.5\,m$ floats on water with $30\%$ of its volume under water. ....... $kg$ is the maximum weight that can be put on the block without fully submerging it under water ? [Take density of water $= 10^3\,kg/m^3$ ]