What does the area of $v\to t$ graph of moving object represent ?
Two trains travelling on the same track are approaching each other with equal speeds of $40\ m/s$ . The drivers of the trains begin to decelerate simultaneously when they are just $2.0\ km$ apart. Assuming the decelerations to be uniform and equal, the value of the deceleration to barely avoid collision should be..........$m/s^2$
The velocity $v$ of a particle as a function of its position $(x)$ is expressed as $v=\sqrt{c_1-c_2 x}$, where $c_1$ and $c_2$ are positive constants. The acceleration of the particle is
From the $v-t$ graph, the
The velocity $(v)$-time $(t)$ graph for a particle moving along $x$-axis is shown in the figure. The corresponding position $(x)$ - time $(t)$ is best represented by