What is meant by free fall ? Two bodies, one of mass $1\,g$ and other of mass $1\, kg$ are dropped from the same height in vacuum. Compare the two time intervals in which the two bodies will hit the ground.
Whenever objects fall towards the earth under the influence of gravitational force, it is free fall. Both will hit the ground at the same time (as acceleration due to gravity is independent of mass).
Write true or false for the following statements
A quantitv which can be represented completely by magnitude alone is called a vector quantity.
In your everyday life, you come across a range of motions in which
$(a)$ acceleration is in the direction of motion.
$(b)$ acceleration is against the direction of motion.
$(c)$ acceleration is uniform.
$(d)$ acceleration is non$-$uniform.
Can you identify one example each of the above type of motion ?
What is the relation between distance and time
$(i)$ when body is moving with uniform velocity ?
$(ii)$ when body is moving with variable velocity ?
Obtain a relation for the distance travelled by an object moving with a uniform acceleration in the interval between $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ seconds.
The average time taken by a normal person to react to an emergency is one$-$fifteenth of a second and is called the 'reaction time'. If a bus is moving with a velocity of $60\, km h^{-1}$ and its driver sees a child running across the road, how much distance would. the bus had moved before he could press the brakes ? The reaction time of the people increases when they are intoxicated. How much distance had the bus moved if the reaction time of the driver were $\frac{1}{2}\, s$ under the influence of alcohol ?