An electric train is moving with a velocity of $120\, km h^{-1} .$ How much distance will it corer in $30 \,s$ ?
What does the slope of velocity$-$time graph represent ?
An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit of radius nearly $42.250 \,km .$ Calculate its linear velocity, if it takes $24$ hour to revolve round the earth.
Explain with reason, which of the following graphs can possibly represent the motion of a particle observed in nature ?
$(a)$ A car moving with uniform velocity $'u^{\prime}$ and uniform acceleration $'a^{\prime}$ covers a distance $'S^{\prime}$ in time $'t^{\prime}$. Draw its velocity $-$ time graph and derive an expression relating all the given physical quantities.
$(b)$ A boy revolves a stone tied to a string $0.7 \,m$ long. Find the distance and displacement covered by the stone in completing two revolutions from starting point.