What precautions are required for disease spreading through vectors?
Malaria and filariasis are transmitted through insect vectors.
The most important measure is to control or eliminate the vectors and their breeding places.
This can be achieved by avoiding stagnation of water in an around residential areas.
Regular cleaning of household cooler, use of mosquito nets, introducing fishes like Gambusia in ponds that feed on mosquito larvae, spraying of insecticide in ditches, drainage areas and swamps, etc.
In addition doors and windows should be provided with wire mesh to prevent entry of mosquito mesh to prevent the entry of mosquitoes.
Such precautions have become all the more important especially in the light of recent widespread incidences of the vector borne (Aedes mosquitoes) disease like dengue and chickengunya in many parts of India.
African sleeping sickness or Gambiense fever is caused by
Typhoid fever could be confirmed by
Pasteurella/Yersinia pestis (causal agent of Bubonic Plague) is transmitted by
Hodgkins disease is
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