What role does pituitary gonadotropins play during follicular and ovulatory phases of menstrual cycle ? Explain the shifts in steroidal secretions.
The secretion of gonadotropins ($LH$ and $FSH$) increases gradually during the follicular phase and stimulates follicular development as well as secretion of estrogens by the growing follicles.
In the middle of cycle (about $14^{\text {th }}$ day) both $LH$ and $FSH$ attain a peak level.
Corpus luteum in pregnancy has a long life. However, if fertilisation does not take place, it remains active only for $10-12$ days. Explain.
Changes in $GnRH$ pulse frequency in femail is controlled by circulating levels of
Why are menstrual cycles absent during pregnancy ?
Select the incorrect statement.
Match the items given in the Column $I$ with those in Column $II$ and select the correct option given below:
Column $I$ |
Column $II$ |
$(a)$ Proliferative Phase |
$(i)$ Breakdown of endometrical lining |
$(b)$Secretory Phase |
$(ii)$ Follicular phase |
$(c)$ Menstruation |
$(iii)$ Luteal Phase |