What steps should be taken to reduce the production of acid rain ?
By reducing the emission of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere can help to reduce acid rain.
We should use less vehicles driven by fossil fuels.
We should use less sulphur content fossil fuels for power plants and industries.
We should use natural gas which is a better fuel than coal or use coal with less sulphur content.
Catalytic converters must be used in cars to reduce the effect of exhaust fumes on the atmosphere.
We can also reduce the acidity of the soil by adding powdered limestone to neutralise the acidity of the soil.
What do you mean by green chemistry ? How will it help decrease environmental pollution ?
What are the harmful effects of photochemical smog and how can they be controlled ?
Mention the effect of chemical pollutants on human body.
Mention the type of pollutants of tropospheric pollution.
Explain the formation of photochemical smog with reactions.