When an air column at $15\,^oC$ and a tunning fork are sounded together then $4$ beats per second are produced, the frequency of the fork is less then that of air column. When the temperature falls to $10\,^oC$ , then the beat frequency decreases by one. The frequency of the fork will be ..... $Hz$ $[V_{sound}$ at $0\,^oC = 332\,m/s]$
A wire of length $30\,cm$, stretched between rigid supports, has it's $n^{\text {th}}$ and $(n+1)^{\text {th}}$ harmonics at $400\,Hz$ and $450\; Hz$, respectively. If tension in the string is $2700\,N$, it's linear mass density is.........$kg/m$.
If $n _{1}, n_{2}$ and $n _{3}$ are the fundamental frequencies of three segments into which a string is divided, then the original fundamental frequency $n$ of the string is given by
A steel rod $100 cm$ long is clamped at its mid-point. The funda-mental frequency of longitudinal vibrations of the rod is given to be $2.53 kHz$. What is the speed of sound in steel .... $km/s$
Figure shows a snapshot for a travelling sine wave along a string. Four elemental portions $a, b, c$ and $d$ are indicated on the string. The elemental portion which has maximum potential energy is/are
A tuning fork gives $4$ beats with $50\, cm$ length of a sonometer wire if the length of the wire is shortened by $1\, cm$. the no. of beats still the same. The frequency of the fork is -............. $\mathrm{Hz}$