When Ram sold his book for $Rs.\, 255$ he made a loss of $15\%.$ For how much he should have sold it if he wanted to make a profit of $5 \% ?$
A man invests $Rs.\, 21,000$ in shares of a company. He sells one$-$third of total shares at a profit of $10 \% .$ But the remaining shares he has to sell at $5 \%$ loss. Find his overall profit or loss $\%.$
Hemant purchased $120$ rims of paper at $Rs.\,80$ per rim. He spent $Rs.\,280$ on transportation, paid octroi at the rate of $40$ paise per rim and paid $Rs.\,72$ to the coolie. If he wants to have a gain of $8 \%,$ the selling price per rim must be (in $Rs.$)
A fruit vendor buys $10$ bananas for $Rs.\, 14$ and sells them at $12$ for $Rs.\,15$. Find his percentage gain or loss.
A man sold a cow at a loss of $12 \%$. If he had been able to sell it at a gain of $6 \%,$ it would have etched $Rs\,72$ more than it did. What was the cost price?
Meenal purchased a car for $Rs.\, 2,50,000$ and sold it for $Rs.\, 3,48,000 .$ What is the per cent profit she made on the car?