Which competition is more intense?

  • A

    Intraspecific competition

  • B

    Interspecific competition

  • C

    Both $(a)$ and $(b)$

  • D


Similar Questions


$I.$ Recent studies support competition as suggested in 'Gauses's Competitive Exclusion Principle'

$II.$ Gause's hypothesis says if two species compete for same resources then one will be eliminated by another species

$III.$ More recent studies point out that species facing competition might evolve mechanisms that promote co-existence rather than exclusion

$IV.$ Gause's competitive exclusion principle is effective when resources are in excess

$V.$ Unlimited resources give better opportunity for adaptation

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What is Mycorrhiza ?

Observe the set of $4$ figures $A$, $B$, $C$ and $D$ and, answer the following questions

$(i)$ Which one of the figures shows mutualism ?

$(ii)$ What kind of association is shown in $D$ ?

$(iii)$ Name the organisms and the association in $C$.

$(iv)$ What role is the insect performing in $B$ ?