Which form of reproduction is correctly matched?
Euglena $\to $ transverse binary fission
Paramecium $\to $ longitudinal binary fission
Amoeba $\to $ multiple fission
Plasmodium $\to $ binary fission
Grafting of tissue or organ between individuals of different species is called
Match the following:
Column – I | Column $- II$ |
$(1)$ Conidia | $(p)$ Hydra |
$(2)$ buds | $(q)$ Pencillium |
$(3)$ gemumles | $(r)$ Amoeba |
$(4)$ binnary fission | $(s)$ Sponge |
$A-$ In protists and monerans the parents cell divides into two to give rise new individuals.
$R-$ Binary fission occurs in paramoecium.
Among the following which one is not a method of vegetative propagation
Identify water weeds.