Which group of living organisms given below is a link in food chain between green plants and hawk
Grasshopper, frog and snake
Grasshopper, rat and snake
Millipedes, centipedes and sparrow
Earthworm, hen and rat
Distinguish between
$(a)$ Grazing food chain and detritus food chain
$(b)$ Production and decomposition
A plant being eaten by a herbivorous which in turn is eaten by a carnivorous makes
How many sentence are correct?
$(1)$ The trophic levels in $GFC$ are unlimited
$(2)$ Organisms at each trophic level depend on those at the higher trophic level for their energy demands.
$(3)$ Plants capture only $2 -10$ percent of $PAR$.
$(4)$ All organisms are dependent for their food on producers, either directly or indirectly.
Trees $\rightarrow$ Birds $\rightarrow$ Lice $\rightarrow$ Bacteria. Thus food chain is