Which of the following is false for $RNA$?
$(i)$ $RNA$ can directly code for the synthesis of proteins
$(ii)$ It is very common process to synthesis $DNA$ from $RNA$
$(iii)$ $RNA$ is used as genetic material only in human
$(iv)$ One polynucleotide chain is present in $RNA$
$i, ii$
$i, iv$
$ii, iii$
$iii, iv$
The unequivocal proof of $DNA$ as the genetic material came from the studies on a
Describe Hershey - Chase experiment or How it was proved the DNA is genetic material ?
You are repeating the Hershey-Chase experiment and are provided with two isotopes: $^{32}P$ and $^{15}N$ (in place of $^{35}S$ in the original experiment). How do you expect your results to be different ?
$DNA$ contains
Name any three viruses which have $RNA$ as the genetic material.