Which of the following pesticides is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor

  • [AIPMT 1998]
  • A


  • B

    $ Y-BHC$

  • C


  • D


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$(A)$ Utilizes genetically modified crops like Bt cotton

$(B)$ Uses only naturally produced inputs like compost

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Match List $ - I$ with List $- II$

List $ - I$ List $ - II$
$(a)$ Aspergillus niger $(i)$ Acetic Acid
$(b)$ Acetobacter aceti $(ii)$ Lactic Acid
$(c)$ Clostridium butylicum $(iii)$ Citric Acid
$(d)$ Lactobacillus $(iv)$ Butyric Acid

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$(a) -(b)- (c)- (d)$

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