Which one of the following is correct matching of a vitamin, its nature and its deficiency disease?

  • A

    $Vitamin-A-$ Fat soluble-Night blindness

  • B

    $Vitamin-K-$ Fat soluble- Beri beri

  • C

    $Vitamin-A-$ Fat soluble-Beri beri

  • D

    $Vitamin-K-$ Water soluble-Pellagra

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Match the columns :

Column - $I$ Column - $II$
$(a)$ Pre erythrocytiC cycle $(1)$ Meta cryptomerozoites enters RBC and becomes spherical in shape.
$(b)$ Exo-erythrocyticcycle $(2)$ sporozoites in saliva are introduced to human blood
$(c)$ Endo-erythrocytic cycle $(3)$ Breaks the liver cells and comes our of blood.


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