While selling an article for $Rs.\, 18450,$ a person suffered a loss of $50 \%$. At what price he should have sold the article (in $Rs.$) to earn a profit of $50 \% ?$
A man sold his two cars for $Rs.$ $4.5$ $lakh$ each. In the sale of first car, he incurred $20 \%$ profit and in the sale of the second, he incurred $20 \%$ loss. The total amount of profit or loss is?
A $TV$ set is being sold for $Rs.$ $x$ in Chandigarh. A dealer went to Dellini and bought the $TV$ at $20 \%$ discount (from the price of Chandigarh). He spent $Rs.\, 600$ on transport. Thus he sold the set in Chandigarh for $Rs.$ $x$ making $14 \frac{2}{7} \%$ profit. What was $x$ in $Rs.?$
A man sold a cow at a loss of $12 \%$. If he had been able to sell it at a gain of $6 \%,$ it would have etched $Rs\,72$ more than it did. What was the cost price?
A shopkeeper labeled the price of his articles in order to earn a profit of $30 \%$ on the cost price. He, then, sold the articles by offering a discount of $10 \%$ on the labelled price. What is the actual rate of profit he earned in the deal? (in $\%$)
A merchant purchases a wrist watch for $Rs.\,450$ and fixes its list price in such a way that after allowing a discount of $10 \%,$ he earns a profit of $20 \%$. Then the list price (in rupees) of the wrist watch is